I wanted to let all of you know that the four horsemen, Dr. Robert Miller, Jon Ensign, Eitan Beth-Halachmy and Lester Buckley, of Light Hands Horsemanship will be on Rick Lamb's The Horse Show on RFD-TV on the dates January 20th and 25th, and again April 21st and 26th.
It is called "Profiles in Lightness." You can go on the RFD-TV website and see the scheduled times there. Tell your friends and tune in! (http://www.rfdtv.com/scheduleHD.asp?Timezone=) looks like Rick Lamb's THE HORSE SHOW is on Tues. 1:00 pm eastern and Sun 8:00 am eastern, if I read that right.
The 2009 clinic is coming up end of May: http://www.lighthandshorsemanship.com/
It is a great experience.
For those on the http://www.heartinyourhand.com/ group, we showed a video of Eitan riding (http://www.cowboydressage.com/) at the 2007 Christmas party.
To read an article on last year's clinic and view the videos, scroll to the right hand column, click on 2008, and click on July.
Video taken by pyrgografix
April 21, 2008